Welcome To

 'Crisolin Publishing'

The items on this site are available for use by any non-profit organisation and are specifically designed for Schools, Scouts, Guides or other youth organisations. All that I ask is that you give a credit in any programmes or publicity simply to protect copyright. If you or your venue are completing a PRS return (see below) this will also help. Thank you.

Click on the links above and explore. You will find that there are some audio files to listen to, but otherwise I supply a simple piano score for songs. If it's more convenient, I am happy to email or post any of the material. Please write to publishing@crisolin.com

Have fun!!


  Remember that all items published here are protected by ©copyright.

Many songs have their 'PRS Tunecode' shown or you can simply list

the Title and 'Colin Siequien' or 'Crisolin' if you / your 

venue are completing a P.R.S. return.

For more information about P.R.S. licences click the link below.



If you cannot find the title that you are looking for then it mat not be published through 'Crisolin'

Other items are listed on colinsiequien.com with a link here Publishing

or write to - colin@colinsiequien.co.uk


Feedback is very welcome. Do let me know how it went.