Title Song For 'The Adventures Of David'
Climb any tree and you'll find him
you kick a football, he's there.
Cowboy or King, he can be anything
Davids a millionaire.
Digging a hole in the garden
going to 'Nans' for his tea.
Every new day, brings adventure to play
six is the best age to be.
Everything's changing around him
and David is growing up too.
One of the boys, he's discarded his toys
eager for anything new.
Pictures and books have no meaning
learning comes naturally.
To be worldly wise, simply open your eyes.
This is the best age to be.
Climb any tree and you'll find him
you kick a football, he's there.
Cowboy or King, he can be anything.
Davids a millionaire.
This was the story of David.
Gone is the boy, but just see.
Every new day brings a new boy to play
Who could it be?
Like you and me
who could it be...but David.
'David' Colin Siequien © 1990