'The Adventures Of David'

'The Adventures Of David'

The part of David is played by four people ranging in age from 8 years to Adult.

The scenes are linked by an unseen Adult David narrating from the wings.

Water is a common theme running through the show however no water is needed on stage.


'Six Is The Best Age To Be'

We see David join Beavers and go on his first outing to the Zoo. Needless to say, he falls in the duck pond!

'A Fill-In'

A comedy song showing how daft leaders can be. (This can be done in drag but works equally well straight)

'Going Up To Cubs'

The next stage. We see David start with Cubs.

'Dressing Up'

A song by Guides dressed as Cubs!

'Murder On The Farm'

The Cubs are staying on a Pig Farm! Because David is involved you can bet that water

will come into the story somewhere.

This has two songs including an Adult solo.

'David's First Show'

First act finale with songs by Ralph Reader.


'Breakfast Blues / Canu Canoe?'

David is going on his first patrol activity. Skip is in charge and it's just a question of who gets wet first.

Don't worry there is no water on stage but you will need 2 canoes.

'The Pigeons'

A break from the story with 2 songs by adults dressed from the waist up as Pigeons.

'A Guide To Growing Up'

The clue is in the title.

'The Rehearsal'

A typical rehearsal for a typical show and everyone is getting along just fine.....

Includes 4 songs by Ralph Reader.

'Explorers Abroad'

The idea is to help supply an African village with water.

'Full Circle'

Now David is an adult with his own son.

'The Adventures Of David' Original performance by

1st Bury St Edmunds (Mayors Own) 1990

With additional material by Ralph Reader

For full script please write to colin@crisolin.com